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Measure Killer

an external tool for Power BI & Microsoft Fabric

logo 2048.png

-Find and remove all unused columns and measures

-See where a column or measure is used (21 categories)

-Report and model best practice analysis

-Easily search all your DAX expressions

-Easily search all your M Code

-Get a tree view of your dependencies

-Export a documentation of your model and report

Measure Killer mode 1
Measure Killer dependency tracker

Free (Power BI Desktop)

Paid (Power BI Service)

Measure Killer online mode

Optimize and clean your shared Power BI semantic models

Everything from above


Across all connected Power BI reports

Paginated Reports

Excel files 

Downstream/composite models (incl. changes)

Measure Killer share model online
Give it a try
-Request a free trial
-Use our sample data built into Measure Killer
-Request a demo

-Add local files (e.g. Excel connected to semantic model)

-Full lineage view (see screenshot on top right)

-Incl. report-level measures

-​Report views (last 30 days)

-Average report load times (in seconds)

-Run multiple models at once

Multi model analysis in Measure Killer

Tenant Analysis (Scans your entire tenant)

-Tenant summary

-Model lineage and data source lineage

-Access / Permissions (users and groups)

-Semantic model metadata

-Dataflow metadata

-Report metadata

Measure Killer Tenant Analysis

 Tenant summary

-Shows all Power BI and Fabric items

-Provides a list of all workspaces and their items and users

Measure Killer Tenant Analysis summary

Model lineage and data source lineage

-Power BI Semantic model lineage (screenshot below) shows all connected reports, downstream semantic models and Dataflows

-Provides the same for all connections / data sources in your tenant

Measure Killer model lineage

 Access tab

-Lists all users & AD/Entra groups and their permissions

-Shows all workspaces and who has access to them

-Provides detailed access rights to all Power BI and Fabric artifacts (semantic models, reports etc.)

Measure Killer Access Tab

 Semantic models

-Lists all your Power BI models with basic info (size, tables, columns, storage mode etc.)

-Refresh history (date, success/fail etc.), refresh schedule, avg duration

-Best practice analysis (BPA rules, can be customized, soon you can create your own rules too)

-Easily search through all DAX expressions (duplicate detection) and M code

Measure Killer Semantic Model tab

 Dataflows (Gen1 and Gen2)

-Lists all your Dataflows with basic info (type, workspace, number of queries)

-Refresh history (date, refresh/fail etc.), refresh schedule, avg duration

-Easily search through all M code

Measure Killer Dataflows Tab


-Lists all your Power BI reports

-Shows report views and page views

-Number of pages, visuals, custom visuals (certified or not) and average report load times

-Report-level measures

Measure Killer Reports Tab
Request a free trial
launches image.jpg

What does Measure Killer detect?

  • Visuals - including filters applied to visuals, on pages or the whole report.

  • Artifacts only used in custom visuals

  • Conditional formatting

  • Any kind of measure (incl. report-level measures) or relationship

  • Columns used exclusively in Power Query, e.g. in joins, appends, references etc.

  • Calculated columns

  • Calculated tables

  • Row-level and object-level security (for OLS see compatibility below)

  • Calculation groups

  • Field parameters

  • Visual calculations

  • Column sorting, key columns, row labels

  • Used in mobile view

What does not work?

  • If you copy whole reports and then only do some minor changes, this can lead to false references.

  • Default titles and subtitles (created by Power BI / default) will not be recognized. If you change the titles in any way they will be detected though.

Measure Killer dependency tracker
Measure Killer Compatibility


fully compatible

 ?   limited compatibility

 ✗  currently not working


 .pbix (Desktop and Desktop RS)

 .pbip (Power BI Project files)

 .pbir (Enhaned Report Layout)



 Composite models

 Thin files / Live connection (paid versions only)

Direct Lake (paid versions only)

Paginated reports (paid versions only)

Analyze in Excel (paid versions only)

All reports in the service can now be analyzed (paid versions only)

 SSAS and AAS (Tabular only)


.bim files / models stored in a folder etc.

Metrics (Goals)

Exploration items


Feature compatibility:

 Row-level security

 Object-level security (table with OLS is identified)

 Calculation groups

 Field parameters

 Dynamic format strings

 Visual calculations

✗ KPIs (created in the tabular model)

Compatibility of visuals:

 Standard visuals (all, unless listed below)

 Icon Map

 Zebra BI visuals

 HTML VizCreator Cert

 HTML VizCreator Flex

 Balance Sheet Visual

?  Other custom visuals (We have not tested Measure Killer for all custom visuals)

Q&A visual

✗ Paginated report visual

✗ Metrics (Goals) visual

Measure Killer pricing
The free version can be used without any restrictions personally and commercially.
Go to the Download section to get started

The other features are paid upgrades.
To unlock these modules/features or to get priority support from the Measure Killer team, please purchase a license.

Want to deal with a U.S. entity? Check out our authorized reseller Component Source.

Measure Killer basics (analysis of a single model/report)

Removing unused columns and measures from a shared semantic model

Introduction to Tenant Analysis (scanning your whole Power BI / Fabric tenant)

Shared model online
Tenant Analysis

Measure Killer Security Information and Documentation

Version 2.6.1

Please download our security whitepaper from here.

Measure Killer - Download & Changelog

Aktuelle Version 2.6.1

Newsletter - Stay up to date

Thanks for subscribing!

Store Version benötigt Admin-Rechte.

Release Notes for 02/20/2025

Version 2.6.1

- Export optimized model to TMDL (clipboard, .zip or folder)
- Enhanced right-click menu for many items
- One click clean up now removes unused Direct Query tables

- Issue where users would be redirected to wrong update link (portable version instead of admin version)
- Text Box visual false negatives
- Report views and load times datetime conversion error
- Multiple save&load issues.
- Workspaces and semantic models with special characters in their names not connecting properly to XMLA
- AD groups not showing in the report access view
- No workspaces selected in shared model online for developers
- Running unnecessary API calls for paginated reports with no connections to semantic models or AAS instances

- Minor UI bug fixes and improvements.
- Added load times export to Tenant Analysis.
- Added visual calculations to DAX tabs
- Improved and reviewed Tenant Analysis exports

Older versions


Release Notes for 02/05/2025

Version 2.6.0

- Added Report Best Practice rules.
- Full support for the PBIR report format in all modes.
- Page views and report load times are now tracked.
- Enhanced results table with additional details about reports, workspaces, and models for better clarity.
- Added domains to Tenant Analysis.
- Fixed authentication issues for U.S. government cloud users.
- Resolved the "Consuming feature is unknown" bug in Shared Online Mode.
- Addressed multiple Save/Load issues.
- Fixed a Power Query false negative when referencing a table with load disabled from another table with load enabled.
- Resolved the issue of user access getting stuck in a loop after a network timeout.
- Fixed "Unauthorized" errors in AAS mode.
- Empty Database Parameter error in Paginated Reports
- Parameter User error in Paginated Reports
- Multiple IDs in AAS error in Paginated Reports AAS mode
- Fixed an issue where restored measures were not being added back to their original folders.
- Minor UI bug fixes and improvements.
- Added page views export to Tenant Analysis.
- License checks are now faster.
- Added Activity Logs export.
- Included detailed relationship descriptions in Excel exports.

Release Notes for 12/13/2024

Version 2.5.0

- Limited Tenant Analysis (for developers / non-admins)
- Row-level security tab in Tenant Analysis. Showing roles, DAX expressions (security filters) as well as assigned users/groups
- Azure Analysis Services mode now analyzes all connected Power BI and Paginated reports automatically
- Reports tab added to all modes
- Bookmarks added to Reports tab
- Users can now hide/show tabs in both modes of Tenant Analysis
- Most tables can now be exported from the UI

- Tenant Analysis re-authentication opens multiple browser windows when multi-threading
- Page level filter false positive for field parameters
- Recursion depth error for circular references
- Empty column name when loading a file in the Single model mode after running 'What if? analysis'
- Activity logs empty date caused an issue when opening Shared online mode for admins and Tenant Analysis
- Removing a calculated column (bin or group) from a table caused Power BI desktop to display 'Something went wrong' error message

- Minor UI bugs fixed
- Best practices output can now be exported
- Revamped Execution Summary

Release Notes for 11/13/2024

Version 2.4.1


- Text measures are now excluded from the '[Formatting] Provide format string for measures' rule. 

- Resolved an issue where the workspace pre-filter window process would continue running after closure. 

- Fixed errors in removing access permissions in Tenant Analysis. 

- Addressed an issue with opening the Shared Online Semantic Model mode following the loading Tenant Analysis’ sample file. 

- Corrected a false negative for inactive relationships. 

- Removed field parameters from the 'Data columns must have a source column' best practice rule. 

- Fixed an issue where the access tab for semantic models in Tenant Analysis appeared empty after loading a file. 

- Resolved an error that occurred when opening the activity logs window from a loaded file.

- Corrected wrong table classification as "Calculated table" after manually updating TDML 


- Added all artifact status to the Excel and JSON export: Used, Unused and Used by unused. 

- Added a suffix to DEFINE statements for report-level measures to prevent conflicts when adding them to the original model 

- Included thousand separators for better readability of large numbers in the UI. 

Release Notes for 10/24/2024

Version 2.4.0

- Users can now save and load .measurekiller files in all modes.
- Added tenant-wide DAX duplicate expression detection in Tenant Analysis. 
- Downstream models are now available in Shared Semantic Model Online mode.
- SSAS on-premises mode is now available.
- Added circular reference status detection. 
- Users can now disable XMLA and use DAX INFO functions via API to retrieve semantic model metadata. 
- Introduced a second authentication method: Device Code credential. 
- Users can now pre-filter workspaces in Tenant Analysis, Admin, AAS/SSAS modes for faster analysis. 
- Dataflow analysis is now available in Tenant Analysis. 
- Added a DAX lexer for improved expression parsing and visualization. 
- Added an option to plot refresh events in context menus for semantic models. 
- Added a report views plot option in context menus for reports. 
- Users can now add or remove best practice rules in the settings. 
- Measure Killer will notify users of any "Analyze in Excel" activity detected for the selected model in Tenant Admin mode. 
- Added three new export options to Tenant Analysis: Refresh events, Report Views, and Analyze in Excel. 
- Copy new DEFINE measures for Report-Level Measures (RLMs) in live reports. 
- You can now filter activity types when fetching data in the activity logs window. 
- New dataflows tab added to Tenant Analysis 
- New columns added to the semantic models tab in tenant analysis: Number of columns, measures and last refresh.
- File license.json can now be uploaded for faster license verification.

- Fixed export option issues in AAS/SSAS mode. 
- Resolved recursion errors for DAX expressions with circular references. 
- Fixed an issue where removing permissions from workspaces wasn't functioning correctly when a user stopped the process or an error occurred in Admin modes. 
- Calculated columns were incorrectly being evaluated under the "[Error Prevention] Data columns must have a source column" rule. 
- Resolved an empty selection option for tenants without capacities in Tenant Analysis. 
- Addressed false negatives for Paginated Reports related to artifacts used in query expressions. 
- Fixed 'UnknownClassificationError' in Paginated Reports. 
- Resolved API authentication issues for users with link checkers and proxies. 
- Fixed XMLA “Redirect URI” authentication issue. 
- Fixed backup folder permission errors. 
- Fixed the issue where the "Remove Access" window remained open after closing the Tenant Analysis window. 
- Resolved an issue in Tenant Analysis where re-authentication in multi-threading opened multiple browser windows. 
- Fixed the "Power BI Desktop" suffix warning for window titles in single report mode. 
- Resolved false positive references for columns that were commented out in Report Level Measures. 

- Improved performance of Tenant Analysis. 
- Fixed issues with removing workspace permissions when clicking "Stop" or encountering an error in Admin modes. 
- Updated best practices violation score calculations. 
- Improved handling of failed artifacts in Tenant Analysis. 
- Added fallback to INFO functions via API when XMLA fails. 
- Added more options to the right-click context menu on pages. 
- Enhanced launch times for Measure Killer. 
- Improved UI logging and progress updates when running across several models in Shared Online Dataset and Tenant Admin modes. 
- Users with valid licenses can now add Analyze in Excel and .rdl files in Shared Offline mode. 
- Enhanced communication of new versions. 
- Improved token expiration handling in Tenant Analysis. 
- Added a new type of custom visual: Organizational Visual. 
- Users can now request a demo directly from Measure Killer’s UI. 
- The change log is now accessible from the start window. 
- Users can now load samples and try out premium features. 

Release Notes for 07/23/2024

Version 2.3.1

- MK runs twice after ignoring removal of access to workspaces in the Tenant Admin mode
- Empty expression in child model caused an error in the Tenant Admin mode
- Violators are stacking in BP rules after multiple runs
- Page and report level filters with empty dependencies caused an error in the execution
- Timeout exception for large tenants
- What if? analysis sometimes returned a percentage over 100%
- Minor UI bug fixes


- Added logs to start window

- Add DAX Duplicates in TA

- Better error handling for XMLA exceptions


Release Notes for 07/09/2024

Version 2.3.0

- New mode: Analyze AAS and SSAS models (Preview)
- Best practice rules in all modes (also on a tenant-level)
- Analyze models and reports in all workspaces (Pro, Fabric, Premium, Personal)

- Added storage mode for tables and models (Direct query, import or dual)
- Access tab: track all user and group access across the Power BI tenant
- 1-click optimization for all modes
- Inactive relationships now have usage status (Used/not used)
- Row-level security is now a separate usage
- Object-level security is now tracked
- Tables now have usages (Model, calculated tables, etc.)
- Find out who has the worst model (best practices score) in Tenant Analysis
- Users can now see all table partitions and select which one to remove columns from
- False negative for %GT implicit measures in visuals
- False negatives for renamed measures in downstream models
- License validation error for users using proxies with HTTPS decrypt enabled
- Manual input not working for some Windows versions in modes 2 and 3
- Fixed custom message in the start window

- Improved DAX expression tables
- Improved "invalid license" error handling
- Dynamic format strings are now tracked
- Restoring measures will now keep their original format string
- Format string added to excel and JSON outputs
- Tables with load disabled added to M expression tables
- Updated all Python packages used in Measure Killer

Release Notes for 05/23/2024

Version 2.2.0

- Visual Calculations
- Plots are back!
- We can now automatically find Analyze In Excel users by querying activity logs
- New to Tenant Analysis: report views, data sources, Fabric items, datasets average refresh time and refresh schedule
- Better error handling in all modes
- Custom BASE URL for US government cloud (Preview)
- New export options added to Tenant Analysis
- DAX and M expressions tabs in all modes
- Export feature for ‘What if? Analysis’
- Execution getting stuck due to mobile view issues
- 'Workspace not found' error in Tenant Analysis and Admin modes
- Visual level filter false negative
- DAX expressions not showing for calculated tables in the exports
- Minor UI bug fixes
- Restoring artifacts will now keep their original format string and data type

Release Notes for 04/12/2024

Version 2.1.0

- Measure killer will now also analyze artifacts only used in the mobile layout
- Added 2 new usage categories: “Used as key column” and “Used as Row Label”
- New Semantic models tab in the main window (see here)
- New type of license: enterprise limited (no "killing" in online modes for normal users)
- Drastically improved speed in tenant analysis
- Minor improvements to Tenant Analysis (Visuals aggregation, Apps can be turned off etc.)

- Custom visuals in Tenant Analysis are split into certified and uncertified

- Generating C# scripts is back in all modes
- Sudden crashes in modes 3, 4 and Tenant Analysis
- Tenant Analysis top hierarchy “select all” button behavior bug
- Portable Installer will now add a start menu icon
- Multiple 'let' statements caused an error in the generation of the last step in kill columns

Release Notes for 02/27/2024

Version 2.0.1

- Added usage status for field parameters and calculation groups

- Capacity column in Tenant Analysis empty bug
- Tenant Analysis lineage bug after running Tenant admin mode
- Dark mode tree icons not showing when the app is opened as an external tool
- Backup folder error upon formatting PC
- Execution summary tooltip was considering Report Level Measures, fixed the calculation
- Report level measures breaking upon table deletion with a reference
- Paginated reports duplicated usage for dataset fields
- Added better error handling for dataset selection in mode 1 and 2
- Wrong classification for personal workspaces built for the one drive and share point lists
- "Manage Backups" button leads to the wrong directory
- Desktop shortcut not being created for the admin installer
- Error opening measurekiller for some users with older versions

- Edit instructions in Tenant Analysis

Release Notes for 02/13/2024

Version 2.0.0

-Completely new UI
-New mode "Tenant Analysis" 
-Finding all unused artifacts in one run
-Ability to run multiple semantic models at once
-Analysis 5-10x faster
-Added downstream semantic models (composite/child models) and personal workspaces
-Removing and restoring artifacts via XMLA to models online
-Added "What if analysis"
-Added full .json export and new excel report
-Huge improvements to logic and usability
-Added logs/traces to debug and to increase transparency
-Massive reduction of bugs, too many to list here

Release Notes for 10/10/2023

Version 1.2.1


 -Fixed connection error in offline modes

Release Notes for 10/05/2023

Version 1.2.0


-Removing measures and calculated columns in the online mode is now possible
-Added 'Used in' option to search artifacts
-Added clear search button on all text search fields
-Minor UI improvements


-Visual filters with aggregations false negative is fixed
-Power Query references bug fixed
-Fixed report size bugs when all artifacts were used or unused
-Changed authentication workflow to avoid MK getting stuck if authentication failed
-MK now asks to run again after artifacts have been restored
-Fixed a bug where MK would crash if the backup folder didn't exist

Release Notes for 08/14/2023

Version 1.1.0

-All Power BI and Paginated reports in the Service can now be analyzed
-New dark mode theme
-Release notes displayed in MK
-Users can now copy the rows, details, and the entire table directly from the main window.
-Analytics section with expanded artifact hierarchy in calculations.

-Small fixes in shared dataset on local machine mode
-Empty layout issue for older reports
-Minor UI bug fixes


Release Notes for 07/19/2023

Version 1.0.0


Admin Mode: For tenant admins, Measure Killer can now search your entire tenant for reports connected to a respective datasets. It temporarily grants you permission and then removes them again.

Excel File Analysis: Measure Killer now extends its analysis capabilities to Excel files linked to your dataset (you need to add them manually in all modes)

Paginated Reports: These reports can be analyzed just like Power BI reports now.


Measure Killer Analytics: An advanced analytics approach, providing unique information about your reports and datasets.

-Putting a cost on measures (in terms of storage they consume via columns they reference)

-Showing total storage used by an individual report, page in a report or visual.

-Giving you the distinct size of an artifact consumed (meaning this is what you can save if you removed it)

Other features:
-Advanced Console: A robust command set for printing and displaying metadata, results, and more has been added.
-Automated Removal of Calculated Columns: Measure Killer can now automatically detect and remove calculated columns.
-Hiding Unused Columns: Functionality to hide unused columns has been added to Measure Killer.
-Support for .pbip and .pbit file formats (Preview feature): Measure Killer can now read the new .pbip file extension as well as template extensions.
-Bulk Restoration of Deleted Measures: Users can now restore multiple previously deleted measures simultaneously from Measure Killer backups.
-Improved Shared Dataset on Local Machine Mode: We've made this mode more user-friendly.
-Drag and Drop feature: You can now use drag and drop for adding themes, analyzing in Excel, and other file extensions.
-Usage Count in Results: To enhance result visualization, we've included a 'number of uses' metric in the output.


[Bug Fixes]
-Shared Dataset on Local Machine Mode: Fixed the issue of window minimizing when selecting the port. Now, the window stays open.
-Duplicate Entries: Fixed the issue of duplicate entries in row by row result documents.
-Theme Selection Bug: Fixed a bug where, in some instances, the theme selection wouldn't change as expected.

Release Notes for 05/19/2023

Version 0.9.10


-Fixed an issue that prevented all reports from being removed from the report list.
-Implemented a "Stop" button to end the process running in a separate thread, preventing it from continuing if the window is closed -after "Run".
-Improved error handling for instances where ".pbix" file paths were incorrect (moved or deleted), which caused a "Could not retrieve filters data" bug.
-Resolved a bug with page-level filters.
-Stopped automatic report downloads after closing Measure Killer in online mode.
-Fixed an issue causing the page for page-level filters in the main window to be blank.
-Corrected a false negative issue with the TopN Filter of visuals.
-Improved workspace sorting (first dropdown in the process/UI) for accuracy.
-Corrected a false negative when referencing tables with specials characters in thin/live reports.
-Enforced a requirement for at least one valid report to run Measure Killer in online mode.


-Auto-check for new versions of Measure Killer.
-Tooltips for buttons, providing explanations for their functionalities.
-Reverse sorting (Z-A) for lists and dropdowns in the online mode.
-Removed "Show Results" button for a streamlined experience.
-Implemented a progress label, providing real-time count of artifacts analyzed.
-Enhanced excel export by including visual title and subtitle for visuals.
-Included multiple notebooks in the main window: Information, Execution, and Killing logs for better organization and tracking.
-Added auto-copying of C# script for deleting measures to the clipboard.
-Displayed the dataset name in the main window for online mode.

Release Notes for 04/24/2023

Version 0.9.9

Resolved "Measure" key issue in live/thin reports with broken measures.


-Enhanced Shared Datasets Online Mode UI (Basic/Enterprise).
-Use [DEL] & [ENTER] to include/exclude reports in Shared Dataset Online Mode.
-Workspace search & sort options added.
-Report names now included in layout errors.

-More sorting options in online mode.

Release Notes for 04/07/2023

Version 0.9.8


-Resolved an issue where measures or columns in the rule option for conditional formatting were not being detected.

-Fixed the "Delete selected" button bug in the "Edit reports" section for live connections on local machines.

-Addressed the Group ("Single visual") bug when grouping visuals.

-Prevented the Settings window from opening twice.

-Removed the "MK_" prefix from the beginning of the saved results Excel file name.

-Corrected a bug where some columns were omitted from the report.


-Added the ability to backup and restore measures deleted by Measure Killer.

-Implemented a new and more secure authentication (license) method.

-Introduced an "Expand All" option in the main window.

Release Notes for 03/20/2023

Version 0.9.7


-Added the ability to configure proxy options for API calls and Azure identity verifier.


-Online mode now takes users back to the Workspace and Dataset window, rather than resetting the Measure Killer tool to its initial state.

-Dataset and Workspace selection window is now resizable, giving users more control over the size and layout of the window.

Release Notes for 03/15/2023

Version 0.9.6


-Improved error handling

-Smart narrative visual fixed

Release Notes for 03/08/2023

Version 0.9.5


-Added Shared/golden Dataset online mode.

Users can now select a dataset and Measure Killer will detect all connected reports in workspaces that the user has access to. For this mode, no local files are needed anymore.
-Enhanced detection of artifacts in visuals.

-Significantly reduced number of false positives

-Strongly improved Power Query M logic

-The user interface has been improved with rearranged buttons, reduced windows, and a menu bar has been added.

-Users can choose to either "Remove other columns" or "Remove columns" to "kill" columns.

-Added a menu for Measure Killer's main window (less buttons).
-Users now have the option to choose one of 11 color themes for the entire Measure Killer application.


-False positives for substrings in visuals have been fixed.

-Fixed duplicates in where artifact are used.
-The main window no longer becomes "not responding" in bigger reports.
-Fixed multiple steps with the same name, "Columns removed by Measurekiller"
-Fixed calendar artifacts usage bug.

Release Notes for 01/05/2023

Version 0.9.2


-Fixed a bug with "filter on this page" and "filter on all pages"

​Release Notes for 12/07/2022
Version 0.9.1

- Updated the installer

- Fixed offline bug where Measure Killer was not loading

​Release Notes for 12/05/2022
Version 0.9


- Added connection to shared datasets and live/thin reports (offline and via XMLA endpoint for premium workspaces)
- Improved results table

- rearranged buttons and added some functional buttons e.g "back button"

- changed formatting of results table

Release Notes for 10/17/2022
Version 0.8



- Added option to kill measures directly in Measure Killer without using Tabular Editor
- Added feature to sort columns 
- Added detection of columns used only by incremental refresh
- Added (DAX) expression column for Excel output
- Added new report option (row by row) when saving the results file
- Self-update after killing measures (the user doesn’t have to click on run again)


- Added error handling for blank file selection
- var. smaller bug fixes

Release Notes for 10/06/2022
Version 0.7

-You can now see how costly (in terms of storage space) your unused columns are
-Table overview of unused artifacts
- var. bugfixes and performance improvements

Release Notes for 9/16/2022
Version 0.5

- Rearranged Buttons.
- Fixed an error that caused false positives if measure names would contain " and '.

Release Notes for 9/7/2022
Version 0.4

- Added M code to automatically remove columns.
- Improved UI and added colored buttons.

Release Notes for 8/27/2022
Version 0.3

- Added C# script to remove measures.
- Added option to plot results.
[ MISC ]
- Removed info page on startup.

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