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21. Juni 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Query folding and data types from Snowflake in Power BI
When working with decimals and integers from Snowflake in Power Query, you need to watch out for data type conversion.
59 Ansichten0 Kommentare
10. Mai 20245 Min. Lesezeit
Hybrid tables in Power BI with dataCoverageDefinition
How does dataCoverageDefinition help us in optimizing hybrid tables in Microsoft Power BI
58 Ansichten0 Kommentare
10. Apr. 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Unexpected behavior for auto relationships in Microsoft Fabric
This post shows how default relationships in Microsoft Fabric are currently wrong and what you need to watch out for.
23 Ansichten0 Kommentare
21. Feb. 20246 Min. Lesezeit
New ways to optimize shared datasets in Power BI (1/2) The offline approach
A new and easy way to optimize a shared semantic model that resides in the Power BI Service
58 Ansichten0 Kommentare
15. Dez. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Data alerts in Power BI Reports using Data Activator
In this blog post we show how you can create data alerts for Power BI reports in a Premium or Fabric workspace.
970 Ansichten0 Kommentare
24. Aug. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Limitations of the Power BI lineage view or impact analysis
A major limitation of the Power BI lineage view or impact analysis is that even for tenant admins it does not provide a full picture.
63 Ansichten0 Kommentare
19. Nov. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Removing unused columns and measures in Power BI
How to remove unused columns and measures using Power BI external tool Measure Killer
455 Ansichten0 Kommentare
21. Sept. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Measure Killer Feedback
In this blog post you can give feedback about the Power BI external tool Measure Killer published by Brunner BI.
159 Ansichten2 Kommentare
29. Juni 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Page limits for email subscriptions in Power BI Premium
In this blog post we outline specifics about the 20 page limit for Power BI email subscriptions in a Premium workspace.
130 Ansichten0 Kommentare
27. Juni 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Finding errors in Dataflows or PowerQuery
This article outlines how you can find errors quickly in Dataflows or PowerQuery using a small M script.
864 Ansichten0 Kommentare
24. Juni 20222 Min. Lesezeit
How to open .ods files in Power BI / Power Query
This blog post shows how to import .ods files on the web natively into Power Query / Power BI.
1.320 Ansichten1 Kommentar
13. Mai 20222 Min. Lesezeit
How to disable the automatic refresh of a dataset after upload to the Power BI Service
This blog post illustrates how to disable the automatic refresh in the Power BI service when uploading a dataset.
2.471 Ansichten0 Kommentare
13. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Format strings for calculation groups in live reports
When building a live report on a dataset with a calculation group, format strings might not work as expected. We found a solution for this.
436 Ansichten0 Kommentare
5. Apr. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Exporting data from Power BI Desktop without limits
If you want to export more than 30k or 150k rows, this blog post will help you get around the internal limits in Power BI.
2.837 Ansichten0 Kommentare
29. Jan. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
New ways to check if queries fold in Power Query
This article outlines an approach besides "View Native Query" to check if query folding is happening in Power BI / Power Query or not
1.090 Ansichten0 Kommentare
30. Dez. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Allocating amounts using lists in Power Query
We will show you how to create dates between a start and an end date using the list operator in Power Query. This can be handy as well for a
150 Ansichten1 Kommentar
18. Dez. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Extending calculation groups in Power BI with unstructured data (targets, budgets etc.)
Calculation groups in Power BI a lot of times rely on time intelligence calculations. If you do not know calculation groups yet, read...
551 Ansichten0 Kommentare
14. Dez. 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Dataflows gets around the 3,000 cell enter data limit in Power BI
This blog posts shows that in Power BI Dataflows you can get around the 3,000 cell paste limit (Enter Data) in Power BI Desktop
441 Ansichten0 Kommentare
30. Sept. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Time saving scripts in Tabular Editor
How to format all dax measures in one click. How to add descriptions to your measures using Tabular Editor. Good for live reports especially
561 Ansichten0 Kommentare
4. Sept. 20217 Min. Lesezeit
How I use Azure VMs for Power BI development
For once this is not a technical blog about a feature or trick in Microsoft Power BI. In this blog post, I want to explain the benefits...
847 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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